Power System structure with diagram:
Electrical power system can be divided into following regions :
- Generating stations
- Transmission systems
- Receiving station
- Distribution system
- Load points
Generating stations:
In all these regions, there are switchgears. Bus bars are connecting bars to which a number of local feeders are connected. Bus bars operate at constant voltage. Besides the bus bars, there are other equipment in the electrical schemes such as circuit breakers, CTs, PTs, etc. These equipments can be installed according to various schemes depending upon requirements.
Equipment in electrical scheme of Transmission system;
The power transformers are installed between two bus bars of different voltage levels. A power transformer is the costliest, heaviest, and most important equipment in substation.
Typical station is distribution system.
In 11 kV distribution system, the cost of elaborate protection may not be justified for protection transformer upto about 500 kVA. The substations are generally unattended. The H.V fuses is the only protection provided on H.V. side.
Receiving system & load points for a medium size industrial work:
The switch gear is installed in the substation of local points, such as industrial works, railway substation, cinema house, large building, foundries etc. The substation has following items:
- Incoming line section
- Transformer section
- Secondary switching section