September 12, 2016

Explain the terms real power, apparent power and reactive power for ac circuits and also the units used.

Explanation of terms real power, apparent power and reactive power for AC circuits:

Diagram: Power triangle relating apparent power to true power and reactive power.

Real Power
Apparent power
Reactive Power
It is the product of voltage, current and power factor.
It is the product of voltage and current.
It is the product of voltage, current and sine of angle between the voltage and current.
Basic unit of real power is watti.e. Expressed as W or kW.
Basic unit of apparent power is volt- ampere. Expressed as VA (Volt Ampere) or KVA.
Has no other unit but expressed in VAR (Volt Ampere Reactive) or KVAR.
Real power (P) = V I                                 
(In DC circuits)
P = VI Cosθ                        
(in Single phase AC Circuits)
P = √3 VL IL Cosθ        
P = 3 VPhIPh Cosθ
(in Three Phase AC Circuits)
Apparent power (S) = V I
Apparent Power = (True power2 + Reactive Power2)
Reactive power (Q) = V I Sinθ
Q =√ (Apparent Power2– True power2)
VAR =√ (VA2 – P2)
KVAR = √ (KVA2KW2)


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